About Me
Hi, welcome to the "country home" of Judy Springer. Thanks for dropping by. I started this site in March of 2001, and have been having so much fun building on it.  I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself.
   I grew up in Fargo, North Dakota and moved to Oklahoma in 1982. So, I guess I'm an official "Okie" now. I met my wonderful husband here in Oklahoma City,and we were married in 1985. We are the proud owners of two spoiled cats, Jazmine and Bekka.  (You can read about them and see pictures of them on my cat page.)
graphic by "Country Patch" graphics
graphic by "Country Patch" graphics
I work as a nurse (L.P.N.) with cancer patients in a hospital setting. I really enjoy my job, although it has it's tough, demanding moments.

   I love "country" decorating. My kitchen is decorated with an apple theme,  my dining room has a outdoor look, my desk area has a sheep collection, (see "His Lamb" page), our guest bedroom is decorated with a lighthouse theme.
I also collect cat things and "Precious Moments" figurines. I love to bake and am an avid collector of recipes, (see my "country kitchen")  I also play guitar and sing --- esp. praise and worship music. My husband sings also, and we often sing together.  We attend Calvary Chapel of Oklahoma City.
  As you can probably tell, I am a Christian and love my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I hope that you can see & feel the love of Christ  in the pages of this site. If you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, click here to find out how to open the door of your heart to Him.
graphic sign by  "Recycle Bin" graphics
graphic by "Country Patch" graphics
All graphics by Suzieqs Scribbles unless otherwise noted
(graphic by Precious Moments graphics)
by "Graphic Garden"