Welcome to my cat's page.  I'd like to tell you  little bit about our two cats. Jazmine, who is Siamese, is a real joy and has made us laugh alot.  She is a very sweet , cuddly cat.  She will let you hold her and cuddle her and sometimes will sleep in your arms if she is in the right mood.  She has brought us a lot of happiness and joy
Then there is Bekka. We got her in October 2004 from the local animal shelter. She is 1 1/2 years old.  She loves to play with the cat fishing pole. She can really jump high!  She loves attention and will crawl all over me when I first climb in bed to go to sleep, and sometimes she'll lay beside me and sleep for a while too.
Hope you enjoy reading about them and getting to know them through the following pictures.
Jazmine loves to sit by the open window.
Jazmine jazzs things up!
This graphic by "Jackie's Graphics".
This graphic by Cindy Drew graphics
Some great cat links
Action Cat post card (e-cards)
Bonogram - cat e-cards
Read about the Tonkinese cat
"About -pets" --- lots of links to cat sites & info on cats
Cat sounds - when you get to this page, click on "cat cat cat sounds"
The End!
Song playing is "How Excellent Is Thy Name" from Victolla Music.
Please be patient, due to heavy graphics, this page takes a while to load.
"I'm soooo tired
"Is this pose good mom?"
Rub a dubdub, one cat in the sink.
"I like to keep on top of things"
We  miss our two cats, Patches & Sapphire.  (Below) They are forever in our hearts.