Chapter 1 -- The Joy Of Giving

A while ago I ran across some 4-ounce old-fashioned glass nursing bottles. A rosebud in one for a new mother makes a nice gift to take to the hospital.
While we lived in the Dakotas, I shopped one morning for a birthday gift for a friend who at that time was under an extreme emotional strain. I found in the dime store the most fragile bud vase for $1.00, went to the florist, and bought a red rose for 50 cents. That afternoon my husband delivered it in a blizzard.
Did you know that gifts delivered in unfavorable weather are never forgotten? Or a visit to someone in the hospital as well?
When in doubt for gifts, baked food, fruit, and flowers are always correct. There is so much love in what one has made.
Did you know that in a letter you can include four bags of jasmine tea (or other imported tea bags) folded in foil? or a package of sachet? or pressed flowers from your own backyard? Add your own ideas, there are many.
I shop as carefully for a card as I do for a gift....  Personalized cards say so much more with little or no extra effort.
We can often learn secrets about the joy of giving from gifts we receive. This example comes to mind:
I once received a box that read,"Do not open until Mother's Day." But the day before Mother's Day my son in California called and asked, "Did you receive the package?" I assured them I did. "OK," my son went on, "Judy is on one line and I am on the other. Open it now." This way they were able to share in the joy of my opening their gift, a beautiful exotic salad bowl...
A warm loaf of bread wrapped in white paper is a most welcome gift.... Sometimes I send one along when my husband goes to visit an old couple. The appreciation is so rewarding....
The lonely and forgotten are so many. Fletcher Spruce reminds us how we should serve them:  "Work is not always preceded by love, but love will always be followed by service--- His service, for His sheep, by His disciples."

Chapter 2 -- The Joy Of Giving Comfort

I never say much at all to a grieving person. I kiss sometimes, my arm about the person; sometimes I say " I loved your mother ( or sister, etc.)" I always sign sympathy cards, "We do care."
Here again, bringing a gift of food or doing some thoughtful act says the most. Do not suggest, "If there is anything I can do to help, let me know" -- find or see something to do!...
I don't think one should ever stay long when visiting a person in grief unless they request that they would like to have you. "The awesome power of the listening ear" is a gift to be used.....The visits really often appreciated are when all is over and most have forgotten.

Chapter 3 -- The Joy Of Saying, "Thank You"

Practice being sincerely thoughtful and grateful to people.  If you appreciate something, it is usually for a reason. Try to express this reason to the person who gave it -- describe how you used it, where you placed it...
I try to write thank-you notes while the expression of my heart is warm. "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."  Prov. 25:11
Chapter 5 --  The Joy Of Entertaining

I'd rather have the most simple meal and enjoy my hostess, than a meal with a hostess who is encumbered with so many things that she cannot enjoy her meal or guests.
I'd like to eat with others as well as entertain myself! Haven't you, too, been disappointed when you have been in a friend's home and they confess, "I'd offer you a cup of coffee, but I don't have anything in the house!"
Many times when friends drop in, I make a pot of hot tea and get out my china cups. We have toast with marmalade, or jam, or fresh preserve made the way I used to have it on the Cape
Chapter 6 --- The Joy Of Growing Older

One of the joys of growing older is the opportunity to look back and reflect on past joys....  As I have grown older, I have become increasingly aware that there is a real gift in learning to do ordinary things in extraordinary ways. One can cultivate a personality so that people will remember things about you.
I love living here ... (she is talking about living in the inner city in Rockford, ILL.) I have never been happier. The Lord has given me good health for a woman who is 60....  God has given me the hearts of many people. Some women, so profane and appearing so 'hard,' hug and kiss me and tell me how they love me. They often ask me to pray with them. I am learning so much about life and so fast!  Don't ever think life ends at some particular age!!
One should set goals for every year of one's life....
Look for rich experiences out of the everyday. Breathe a prayer that the day will hold a bright spot for these who need it. Better stll, you make that bright spot!
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Song playing is "From The Rising Of The Sun" from Victrolla Music