If Teacups Could Talk
If teacups could talk, what would they say? What stories would they tell? Would you be happy for them to share Your whole life in detail?
What things did you say when they were around? Were they words that built up or tore down? Were you busy spreading gossip? Perhaps, the latest rumor going 'round?
If teacups could talk, what would they say? Would you want anyone else to know? Would they speak favorably of what you do? Of where you've been and where you go?
Would they speak of harsh words spoken When no one else was around? Or were you praising your Lord and others Living the Truth that you had found?
If teacups could talk, do you suppose That they have also cried? Did they ever hear the story Of how your Savior lived and died?
Did they shed some tears When you forgot the Lord each day? Wasting time by being so busy With no time left to pray?
If teacups could talk, I'm sure they'd say, Make the most of the cup you're given. One day you'll be old, cracked and worn out, Close to the door to heaven.
Pour into your cup each day A life of beauty, holiness, and love. So that it might be poured out on others, Bringing them closer to the Lord above.
- by Valerie Keefe -