Harvest Time
A stooped old man, and a young man chanced to meet one day. The young man said to the elder, in a casual flippant way, "Why don't you walk up straight like me? That's no way to grow old; it's all a form of habit, at least that's what I've been told."
The old man gave him a knowing look, and said, "My dear young friend. have you ever examined your wheat fields and noticed the heads that bend? If not, just look them over, as the harvest time draws nigh! You'll find that heads that are empty, are standing tall and high.
But the heads that count in the harvest are filled and bending low, awaiting the reaper's sickle; their time is short, they know." As the young man passed on by, he slowly bowed his head. No doubt, he pondered many a day on the words that old man said.
- Author unknown - |