This is a poem that my brother, David, wrote for his adopted daughter, Kimberly.  This was written on his 1st Father's Day as a father.  Kimberly , just a few days old,was taken into David and his wife, Paula's, home on the day before Thanksgiving, 2002.
I'm A Dad

Many years had passed and a child I did not have.
My wife and I were happy and life had been a blast.
Saved we were and blest we'd been, but something
still was missing.
That something had two arms, two legs, and
stood two feet high.
If God would just give us one we'd be on cloud nine.
Then one day it happened and Kim came to be our own.
We nurtured her, laughed with her, and was welcome in our home.
To be a Dad I never knew could be so much blessed fun.
When I am down she smiles at me, when she is down I give her love.
I cherish the times when she falls asleep in my loving arms.
And as she sleeps, I pray to God that never will she be harmed.
To see her grow and see her learn is cool beyond belief.
Sometimes when I look at her, I wish I could have three.
Even when she cries in the middle of the night,  that too I
count a blessing because it means she still breathes life.
Now I am a Daddy and I praise God every day.
For giving me this blessing and showing me the way.
To know love like I never have and giving me the chance
To take care of one of His angels and give her all I have.
Lord, keep her safe and give her health
but one thing I always ask,
When I am down and she smiles at me , remind me----

- David Witt -

Midi is "You Light Up My Life"
Kimberly Witt