The Persecuted Church Today
Christ's body of believers are still being persecuted and martyred today for their faith. Not long ago, I did not realize how much persecution still exists in the world, but I have since learned how much suffering there is among our fellow believers in the world today. The main way that we can help these persecuted believers is to pray for them daily, that they will have the courage and strength to remain true to God and not denounce their faith. That they will be comforted and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, and feel the prayers of other believers around the world lifting them up and encouraging them. That they will not feel the pain as much or the hunger and thirst as much and that God would be their bread, their sustinence. I pray that they will feel the love of God and of other believers as we lift them to the Lord in prayer. Pray also for their families, that their needs will be supplied while their family member is in prison or when the family member is killed for their faith. Usually, it is the man of the house that is arrested or martyred, therefore leaving a wife and children on their own. I went to a conference recently about the persecuted Chrurch, where it was stated that 20 people an hour are martyred for their faith somewhere in the world. That's 480 people per day and 175,200 people in a year. Mind boggling, isn't it? It's not an easy thing to hear about or learn about, although it has drawn me to learn more about it and to inform more Christians about it. I am fascinated by the stories of these people who live in danger every day, have been persecuted, imprisoned, tortured, seen family and friends die and still love the Lord, praise Him and have the joy of the Lord in their hearts and are able to forgive their tormentors and win many to the Lord. I want to have that kind of faith, how about you? Most of these people do not even have their own Bible, or even access to a Bible, and here we are in America with how many dusty Bibles sitting on our bookshelfs? And when they do recieve, by some miracle of God, a Bible, it is sooo precious to them! I heard about a story about a minister in Ethiopia who ministered to 400 people along a river and they only had one Bible among them . Then they had some Bibles delivered to them. But, the authorities raided these people and collected the Bibles and burned them.
Hearing about the kind of faith and trust that the persecuted church has, is strengthening my relationship with the Lord. That is why I would like to share this with other Christians. Below are some links where you can go to learn more about the persecuted church. Let this subject and people touch your hearts and minds and remember them in prayer. The "Voice Of The Martyrs" is an awesome organization and is located right here in Oklahoma, in Bartlesville! How cool is that? God bless you my brothers and sisters. We are sooo blessed to be living in a free country!
"In this you greatly rejoice, though now, for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ." I Peter 6 - 7
"Jesus Freaks" by DC Talk and Voice Of The Martys
"Jesus Freaks" Vol. II by DC Talk and Voice Of The Martyrs
"Foxes Book Of Martyrs"
by John Foxe
"Hearts Of Fire"
by Voice Of The Martyrs
"Tortured For Jesus"
by Richard Wurmbrand
An excellent fiction book about persecution in China is:
"Safely Home"
by Randy Alcorn
Midi playing is "Give Me Jesus"